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  • Indirect Tax Auditor

      Achieve 100% E-Business Tax Compliance
      Indirect Tax Auditor is an E-Business Suite extension for managing tax compliance. Tax Professionals use ITA to optimize eBTax configuration rules, and thus manage their company's tax risks and exposures. Key Compliance Indicators monitor tax rule usage in the organization's transaction stream. The charts and drill downs provide details to find and correct tax compliance errors before the transactions are approved or completed, and before they are posted to the General Ledger.
      Tax Use Cases
      ITA employs a unique requirements gathering approach called Tax Use Cases, which guides the Tax Professional through building and maintaining tax rules. The Tax Use Case method is a fact-based requirements definition model. You define exact requirements in words, then add tax-relevant facts for each Tax Use Case. It guides the Tax Professional in defining rule requirements and mapping them to taxes, rates, condition sets and conditions. Then when you define the eBTax rule in EBS, there is no guessing.
      Reduce Tax Risk
      ITA helps Tax Professionals reduce the risks of fines and penalties from Tax Authorities, a major tax compliance management goal. They use it to identify the most common issues that create these risks, and report on the problem transactions as they occur.
      Evaluate Tax Rules
      Analyze existing Tax Rules and defaults for potential configuration issues. Take a close look, by Operating Unit, at tax rules migrated during an 11i to R12 upgrade. Identify non-default tax rates missing tax rules. List all default Status and Tax Rate Codes. Identify Tax Rules that result in Taxable Basis and the Amount Formulas. Manage the implementation of new taxes and rules, and clean up R12 upgrade data related to taxes.
      Collaboration with Fiteni Enterprises
      Indirect Tax Auditor is a collaboration between Fiteni Enterprises and Absolute Technologies. Alexander O. Fiteni CPA, CMA is a well known authority in the area of Indirect Tax within Oracle E-Business Suite. In his consulting practice, he helps EBS customers deploy and optimize E-Business Tax, so they can improve compliance and reduce their tax maintenance efforts. While an Oracle Applications Development Director, he was part of the eBTax development team. Fiteni is a Professional Accountant and current member of the Chartered Professional Accountants of British Columbia, Canada. Fiteni.com - Managing Risk, Leading Change
      • Improve performance of tax rules.
      • Simplify configuration of tax rules for new tax regulations.
      • Analyze how E-Business Suite uses the eBTax rules.
      • Identify where tax rules are overridden, why, and by whom, so you can eliminate the need for manual entries and achieve 100% compliance.
      • Interactive reports show where tax condition sets are used in tax rules.
      • The Tax Use Case method.
      • Create Tax Use Cases in a spreadsheet and upload them to Indirect Tax Auditor.
      • Interactive report pages provide an alternative to eBTax forms. These reports are for analysis of several eBTax tables. You can see how tax rules, conditions, and results are configured. With the interactive reporting you can also analyze the objects and see the relationships, including where used.
      • Interactive report page for tax summary and variance analysis. Every manual line amount represents a variance that should be examined.
      • Can be configured with Absolute's optional Global Reporting Currency feature.
      • Tax Rules Evaluation analyzes configured and default rules.
      • ITA is built with ProView and includes all of it's Productivity Features.
      • Faster tax rule configuration.
      • Optimized tax rules with better performance.
      • 100% compliance to minimize tax fines and penalties.